Thailand/Missions: Where are my passions?

Passion. What does that word mean to you? Possibly bring words to mind such as strong, visible, or unrelenting?
For me the word passion was always connected to the idea of missions. I always assumed that the people going on these mission trips were insanely passionate about a certain area, people group or cause. They must have passion behind one of those things to let themselves be sent to a completely different place and unknown situation that simply promises to stretch and challenge them beyond comprehension. Passion for those issues HAS to be the driving force for a person to willingly leave where they are placed to serve in a completely different environment. Right?

In about a week I will be leaving the US to serve in Thailand for two months.
Here is the kicker: I’m not passionate about Thailand.
Yep, you read that right.
So why am I going? Well I’m glad you asked.

First, let me tell you a little bit about obedience. For me this whole trip is a giant, huge, leap of obedience. A step to go somewhere I don’t feel prepared to be, and it’s not even that me reading more scripture or books would prepare me. It is just simply the state the Lord wants me in, to be obedient to the literal unknown.
Which leads me to the second point: trust. This lesson has been hard and I feel will continue to be a challenge until I enter Glory. Just as soon as I relinquish control of one area of my heart, God is always asking for another or revealing an area I didn’t even know was there. This trip is not only a step of obedience but also a display of trust. Trusting He has led me into this, trusting He has placed me where I need to be, trusting He will provide every means necessary for me to go and trusting He will be constant through it all.
This leads to passion; (or what I felt the lack of). I want to first say that people who do have a large amount of passion for a cause or place are completely valid and are vitally important to what their calling from the Lord is.
But like I said, I don’t have that, or I don’t feel a driving force passion behind my motives to go on a mission trip abroad.  At first I thought something in my heart was wrong, I was praying “Dad why would you call me to a place that I don’t feel like I have a passion for?”
That then led me to the question, why missions? And it was in that question that I found my purpose for going to Thailand.
To me, missions isn’t an outlet to fix the world, or a place to display my hearts desire for a cause. Instead, missions are just the Lords call to “go”. I don’t need to be passionate about sex trafficking, poverty or abuse to go to Thailand.
Instead, I need the desire to see Jesus heal the brokenness of this world and to let His glory invade. I need the desire to delight fully in Him and to share that delight with those who don’t have it, with those who desperately need it.
It is not wrong at all to have passions for a cause or injustice. Psalm 97:10 calls us to hate evil, Psalm 82:3 commands us to stand up for the weak, Proverbs 31:8 calls us to speak up for those who cannot, and so on. I pray that the Lord would continue to open my eyes to the brokenness of this world and burden my heart for the areas that burden His.
But for me, my passion is not found in causes. Instead, my passion for the world is found in a heart seeking to love and know Jesus better. My passion to serve Jesus is now letting me feel the weight of this broken world and the desire to serve Him in the brokenness, the desire to go to the places that need Him and the desire for His love to heal the injustices. Out of my own heart I wouldn’t be capable to have the adequate compassion or mercy. In fact, if I relied solely on the passion of my own heart (no matter how “strong”) it would be inadequate to even try to bring hope or healing to this world. It is only the passion that can come from His Spirit to allow me to make a difference for His glory. Out of my heart knowing and being aligned with His, then, I find my passion to go on missions.

So do I have a specific passion for Thailand? No. Do I need one? No.
Do I have a passion to see Jesus praised and for His love to invade the broken places of this world? Yes. For that reason I go, for that reason I am sustained and for that reason I am going to Thailand.

So I invite you to join me in prayer. I will be gone June 7 to July 30. Pray for my team, that God would move in powerful ways, that His love would invade Thailand, and that we would press into Jesus all the more.
